Sunday, 29 July 2012

What I Wore Wednesday

Yes, Yes I know it's Sunday...  
I've been wanting to link up to WIWW for a long time now and today I decided I was just going to do it!

(Sorry, I didn't have anyone to take my photo so this is a DIY job)

Coral top - M&S outlet
White baggy trousers - Next
Leopard shoes - George at Asda


  1. You made it! Love those shoes :)

    Did you know you have captcha turned on? Here is how to get rid of it (and get more comments!):

    I Hate Captcha Tutorial

  2. Thanks :) They are from the kids department at George, love having size 5 feet as the kids sizes go up to size 5.

    Thanks for the tutorial, it's off now :) x
